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  • Xavria Schwarz, Principal, Christ Luth. La Mesa, CA

    "I've become an immediate fan. The curriculum is deeply rooted in God's Word, doctrinally sound, and our kids and teachers absolutely love it. The music partnered with meaningful Scripture and applicable content is a HOME RUN for capturing the hearts of students for the sake of the Gospel."

  • Megan Henderson, Grade 5, SCS Fair Oaks, CA

    "Here at Summit Christian School, my students were immediately grabbed by Dean-o's music. The videos and songs are a great way to memorize and learn the weekly Scripture. Whether our students' faith is emerging or growing, they are learning to break apart the 'words' in the Word."

  • Deryl Maxwell, Asst. Principal, St. Paul's Orange, CA

    "Now a constant foundation for our students, I enthusiastically recommend Bible REPLAY for ALL schools and pray that God uses it in mighty ways. It has impacted and engaged our students in God's Word with a new sense of energy in learning what Jesus has done and is doing for us in uncertain times."